13 Christmas Stories That Made Us Believe in Miracles Again

Christmas wonders can be so different: some people need just a lot of gifts to feel totally happy, while others need only the smile of their little daughter or an old Christmas tree from a neighbor.

Therefore, Christmas wonders are not always about tangible things but about something that touches our soul. Many users decided to share the joyful stories that happened to them on Christmas with the entire world.

When I was a little girl (5 or 6), I was obsessed with ballerinas. My dad got me tickets to a professional performance of The Nutcracker. It was just him and me. I still remember feeling so grown up when we had dinner beforehand in a grown-up restaurant. The ballet was beautiful. It was just a wonderful day. © pghdetdencol / Reddit

My wife had several miscarriages, and finally our son arrived this morning, his weight is 8 pounds 3 ounces. © 87veloce / Reddit

Our daughter was a 2-month-old baby and had recently come home from the hospital that Christmas. My husband and I had a lot of hospital debt because she was premature, and we were students who also worked.

On Dec 23rd, our apartment neighbor brought us his Christmas tree. It was an artificial tree that resembled a bottle brush, but to me the tree was beautiful. I made a star from cardboard and tin foil and put it at the top of the tree. He also left 2 boxes of his pantry food.

2 women who also worked with me in pediatrics at the hospital lived upstairs from us. They worked neonatal, and my daughter had spent several weeks in their unit. A bit after my neighbor left, I heard a knock on the door, and these women were at the door. They had knitted my baby a shawl, a hat, and a sweater from pink yarn. A few moments after they left, the phone rang, and the grocer was on the line.

He said I had won a canned ham from the holiday drawing at his store.When my husband came home that evening, he said that he won a stuffed toy bear and a box of chocolates in a raffle at the gas station. Why was this the best Christmas? I found such kindness, generosity, and spirit of Christmas. There have been many Christmases since then. My baby daughter is now a mother of 3 and an attorney. We have a lovely life, yet that Christmas will always be fondly remembered as a special time, so very long ago. © Cheryl Kesler / Quora

My wife wakes me up around 6 a.m. on Christmas morning,

— You awake? My water broke. We need to go to the hospital.

— Uh, yeah, I am now. What! Okay, everybody, stay calm!

— Well… I would like to open some presents before we go. I probably won’t feel like it later.
30 minutes, 4 opened presents and 3 husband/future dad panic attacks later, my wife said, “Ok, we can go now.” I drive my wife to the hospital. One hour of labor later. Doctor in the delivery room says, “It’s a baby girl!”
The most confused, panicked, impatient, worried, ecstatic, tired, and proud Christmas of my life. Best. Christmas. Present. Ever. © sleepspindle2000 / Reddit

I was a little girl, maybe just 4 years old. My parents were fighting on a snowy winter evening, so my brother and I went outside and started throwing snowballs reluctantly. Suddenly, a snowball hit my back. I turned around and saw my parents, who were smiling happily. We divided into teams, built snow towers, threw snowballs at each other, laughed, and rolled in the snow. We had so much fun.

I’m 40 now, but that feeling of unearthly joy doesn’t leave me when I see fluffy white snow in winter. I will try to pass down this fairy tale to my children and grandchildren. It doesn’t matter what’s happening in your life, but winter is a time of miracles. © Ward 6 / VK

13 Christmas Stories That Made Us Believe in Miracles Again

So back at the end of June this year, I found a cat that was just withering away in the basement of the building I work in. She was skin and bones, I’ve never seen a cat so skinny. I tried to find her a home, but no one seemed to be interested. I called her Grandma. Yesterday, when I came to work, I found her covered in her own filth. I grabbed her and took her to the vet. I called my mom, and I was crying on the way there. They examined the cat at the vet’s and found a microchip.

They called her previous owners, and it turned out that her name was Stormy. She went missing 2 years earlier, when they moved to another house. The kids missed her very much, and her family celebrated her birthday every year. I cried with happiness. The owner immediately came and took her home. She’s recovering now. Just in time for Christmas. © darthparrot / Reddit

I was 8 years old, and my family was struggling financially. My parents told me that they just couldn’t manage to buy Christmas presents that year, so I was pretty sad considering I was 8, but I understood why. Christmas morning came, and I didn’t even rush out of bed because I knew nothing would be waiting for me, but I went out into the living room and there was a single hula-hoop propped up against the tree with my name on it. I was so surprised and happy that I cried. I used that piece of plastic until it fell apart. © jraay / Reddit

I had to take a long break from figure skating after I got injured. Today, I went to a Christmas fair, saw a skating rink and decide to skate a bit. But I got carried away so much that I came to only when I heard people applauding me. And I felt really happy. I also realized that I will definitely return to professional figure skating. It’s true that Christmas is the period of magic and miracles. © Ward 6 / VK

A special needs boy who looked a little older than me (I’m 23) came up to me in a store parking lot asking how my Christmas was. I was in a hurry, but I already saw 4 people ignore him, and I just couldn’t do that. So, I stood and talked with him for a few minutes.

He asked how my Christmas was and if it went well, and I said yes, and he said, “Are you sure? I think it could be better for you.

Hold on, wait right here, I have something for you.” He ran to his parents’ car and came back with a bag full of candy. I was super excited. He gave me a big hug and said, “You look beautiful, like my Christmas Angel.”

I looked in the bag, and it was coincidentally full of my favorite candy and at the very bottom was a Christmas card that said, “If you received this, you deserve it. Merry Christmas!” and it had $50 in it with a note that said, “Spend this on yourself, everyone deserves a special treat sometimes.” It made me cry the whole way home. I wish I could tell him, “No, you’re MY Christmas Angel.” © sp00ky_tarantino / Reddit

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