A truck driver walks into a cafe on the Hume Highway with a full-grown emu behind him.

On Monday, a truck driver strolled into a diner off the highway with a full-grown emu following close behind.
The waitress approached and asked for his order.

“I’ll take a burger, fries, and a coffee,” the truck driver said. He glanced at the emu, “What about you?”

“Sounds good to me. Same for me, please,” the emu replied.

Having seen it all, the waitress brought their food and told them, “That’ll be $10.50.”

The truck driver reached into his pocket, pulled out the exact change, and handed it over!

The next day, the duo returned. He ordered the same meal, and the emu echoed, “Same for me, please.”

Once again, the waitress charged him the same price, and he reached into his pocket, producing the exact change!

This continued for several days. Then, one evening, they walked in again, and the waitress asked, “The usual?”

“Nope, it’s Friday night. I’ll have a steak, baked potato, and a salad,” said the truck driver.

The emu chimed in, “Sounds great… same for me.”

The waitress brought their food and said, “That’ll be $32.65.”

Without missing a beat, the truck driver reached into his pocket and, once again, had the exact change!

Finally, the waitress couldn’t contain her curiosity. “Alright, I have to know. How do you always have the exact change on you every single time?”

The truck driver grinned. “Well, a few years back, I was cleaning out my shed and stumbled on an old lamp. When I polished it up, a genie popped out and granted me two wishes. My first wish was that anytime I had to pay for something, I could just reach in my pocket, and the exact change would be there.”

“That’s brilliant!” said the impressed waitress. “No need for a million bucks… you’ll never run out of money!”

“Exactly,” said the truck driver, smiling. “Whether it’s a pack of gum or a new car, I’ve always got the exact amount!”

The waitress, still eyeing the emu, finally curiously asked, “So, what about the bird?”

The truck driver sighed and shrugged. “Well, my second wish was for a tall bird with long legs and a great personality who’d agree with everything I say.”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

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