A poor man told his wife

A poor man told his wife, I am sick and tired of being poor, I am going to work overseas.

So, he took off to Africa. A few years later, he returned.

As he approached his house he got stunned by the luxurious and rich look of the house.

He knocked on the door, and the servant opened.

“Is the housewife in?” he asked.

The servant replied: “Just a moment.”

The wife comes out: Wife: Wow, my man, all dressed up as a rich man after these years.

Husband: Guess what? I am rich.

Wife: How?

Husband: I went to Africa, and found people walking with no underwear and sleeping on sand …

Husband: I went to Africa and found people walking with no underwear and sleeping on sand so I began to make and sell underwear and beds.

Due to the high demand, I got rich fast.

Wife: A man, with all of your strength, had to go all the way to Africa, making beds and underwear, to get rich, and I am a little woman that stayed here, without underwear and on a single bed…I got REAL rich.

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