An elderly couple, Harold and Edna, had been married for over 60 years.

They had shared everything, talked about everything, and kept no secrets from each other—except for one.

Edna had a shoebox in her closet, and she had told Harold never to open it or ask about it. For decades, he respected her wishes, never giving the box a second thought.

One day, Edna fell gravely ill, and the doctor told Harold she didn’t have much time left. With a heavy heart, Harold sat beside his wife and said, “Edna, I love you. We’ve been through everything together. Before you go, can I finally know what’s inside that shoebox?”

Edna smiled weakly and nodded. “Go ahead and open it, dear.”

Harold opened the box and was astonished to find two crocheted dolls and a stack of money totaling $95,000!

Confused, he asked, “Edna, what is this?”

She took his hand and explained, “Before we got married, my grandmother gave me some advice. She told me that every time I got angry with you, instead of arguing, I should crochet a doll.

Harold’s eyes welled up with tears. After all these years together, there were only two dolls in the box! “Edna,” he said, overcome with emotion, “that means you’ve only been mad at me twice in 60 years?”

She nodded with a sweet smile.

Harold beamed. “That’s amazing, my love. But… what about all this money?”

“Oh,” Edna said, patting his hand. “That’s from selling all the other dolls.”

An Old Man Decides to Prove His Wife Isn’t Having Hearing Problems.

An elderly guy notices that his wife is having difficulty hearing.
He attempts to convince her to take a hearing test, but she refuses.

He decides to show her that something is amiss with her hearing.

He goes upstairs, takes out a recorder, switches it on, and yells below, knowing she’s in the kitchen. “Honey, what’s for supper?”

No response.

He went downstairs and yelled. “Honey, what’s for supper?” Still no response.

He entered the living room and yelled again. “Honey, what’s for supper?”

No response.

He even stands just outside the kitchen and yells.

“What’s for supper?” and yet no response.

Finally, he stands directly behind her and asks, “Honey. What’s for supper?!”

She turns around and says “Damn!t Al, for the hundredth time, CHICKEN!!!”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

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