Whiskey, Water And Worms
A chemistry professor wanted to teach his class a lesson about the evils of alcohol, so he produced an experiment that involved a glass of water, a…

Shoe Repair
A man and his wife were cleaning out their attic when the man found a shoe repair stub in the pocket of an old jacket. “Hey –…

An Old Man Is Met By His Attorney
An old man is met by his attorney, and is told he is going to be audited. He rides to the IRS office with his attorney, and…

Tricked Him
One day this girl, who is wearing a skirt, goes out to play with her friends. She goes to the park and meets a boy They talk…

Chicken, Elephant, Giraffe And God
God received a delegation of animals complaining of their lot in life. There was an elephant, a giraffe, and a hen. The elephant complained, “Lord, I HATE…