Dads Who Take the Word ’’Devoted’’ to a Whole New Level

At 8 months pregnant, I found out my husband was cheating. My mom said I can’t leave him—that I needed to think about my child. So I stayed.

The day I gave birth; I was in tears. My dad came to the hospital and said, “You will never cry again. Your new life begins today.” At first, I didn’t get what he meant. But then he showed me
a key to an apartment he had rented for me and my newborn.

He told me he had already spoken to a divorce lawyer and that I could visit him whenever I was ready. Relief washed over me. I knew I didn’t want to spend my life with a cheating man, and knowing my dad stood by me was the greatest gift I could have received. He wasn’t a wealthy man, which made his sacrifice all the more meaningful.

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