Kid Rock Politely Asks Garth Brooks to Leave His Nashville Honky Tonk: “This Bar is For A-Holes”

Garth Brooks arrived at Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk and Rock n Roll Steak House just in time for his regular reservation. According to a quote from 2019, Brooks loves the prime rib there and calls it “the best in Nashville.”

This time, however, Brooks was met with a surprise visit from Kid Rock himself. “As the owner of this establishment,” he told Brooks, “I’m gonna have to ask you to leave. This bar is for assholes.” Kid was making an obvious reference to Brooks’ claim that half of America qualifies for that same insult.

Brooks left without a word, in what several witnesses called “an emotional withdrawal.” He had tears in his often-blubbery eyes as he headed out to find a meal somewhere else.

“It had to be done,” Kid Rock told ALLOD correspondent Joe Barron, “If we keep letting these woke posers dictate the rules, America is done for.”

We reached out to Brooks, who returned our call from Sizzler, which he says is “actually much better than the dogfood at Kid Rock’s restaurant.” Brooks denied the claim and said he only went to Kid Rock’s place once “to see what a hack from Detroit with no musical talent was doing in a town like Nashville.”

“The place smells like Axe Body Spray and meth,” Brooks said, “I walked in, had a Bud Light, and left. Whatever story he’s telling is a lie.

Kid Rock says he plans to release surveillance footage of the incident soon. God Bless America.

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