«Maggie and Ralph are 66 and 89!» Here are Chamberlain and Rachel Ward then and now

Do you remember Maggie and Ralph from «The Thorn Birds»?🤭 This is what the legendary stars of the popular miniseries look like 40 years later! 😳🤐

Here are R. Chamberlain and R. Ward who brilliantly portrayed Ralph and Maggie in «The Thorn Birds». It is a popular miniseries released in 1983 quickly becoming a sensation and captivating millions of viewers around the world.

The prominent actor who portrayed Ralph is also a Golden Globe winner. Rachel portrayed Maggie. Ward was in a romantic relationship with Bryan Brow who played Maggie’s husband Luke.

Their on-screen connection led to marriage as a result of which they had three children. Currently, Richard is  89 and still delights his loyal fans with his charisma.


To everyone’s great surprise, he chose a different path and announced his retirement 9 years ago. Some still highly praise his professionalism and incredible talent. While those who admired Maggie now barely recognize her.


However, the iconic stars of the hit miniseries are still the best for their loyal fans. Have a look at them now and share your opinion!

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