No one can follow Christ on their own effort. It takes God’s grace for Christians to continue walking in faith and pursue the Lord’s assignment for them. Yes, anyone who is already in Christ is chosen by God to be part of His mission.
However, as Jesus said, not everyone who calls Him Lord is truly chosen (Matthew 7:21). There are even some who involve themselves in ministries but later on leave the faith.
If you want to find out if God really chooses you to serve Him and be with Him in eternity, keep on reading this article
What Does it Mean to Be Chosen By God
A person who is chosen by God has sensed God’s call on his or her life and decided to respond by following God.
God’s call takes many forms.
For some people, it is an urgent sense of needing to turn away from sinful living and turn toward Jesus. For others, it is more subtle and includes a deep desire for a closer relationship with God or even curiosity about God.
According to John’s Gospel, anyone who receives Jesus as Lord and Savior and believes in his name is chosen by God and becomes God’s child:
“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12, ESV).