The most valuable lessons are often found in the most unexpected situations.
Imagine getting $600 as a kid. What would you have done with the money? Some may have bought the latest gaming console. Some may have purchased their dream toys like expensive action figures or Lego sets with thousands of bricks and pieces.
YouTubers Paul Klein and Paul Wood placed a child in a situation like so. Wood’s son Bailey was given $600 to spend on any toy he wants. What he did instead brought his dad to tears.
Hamley’s is one of the biggest toy stores in London. It boasts a collection of different characters from different games and shows, the latest gadgets for kids, and the latest gaming consoles that even grown-ups will buy.
Klein and Wood posted a challenge for Bailey. He was given 30 minutes and $600. All he has to do is buy everything he likes within the time limit.
An excited Bailey brought a bag with him when he entered the store.
Meanwhile, the two content creators tried to guess what the child would do with the money. His dad said he might choose the biggest that Bailey’s money could afford him.
Klein, while guessing what Bailey’s going to buy, said that kids don’t really know the true value of money as they don’t know how it’s made or how it impacts people.
They were right to think so. Bailey began filling his bag with the best toys he could get his hands on. But what the two got wrong was how conscious Bailey was about money.
The boy stopped on one shelf and then began returning the toys one by one.
His full bag became lighter for every toy he returned until he was left with none. He then marched out of the toy store.
Klein followed Bailey to a homeless man. Bailey said that he didn’t really need toys as his parents always bought him those. He pointed out, however, that not all people were as privileged as he was.