The Night We Were Saved by a

My wife and I were stranded in a remote area at 2 AM after our car broke down. Without mobile phones, we waited until a young man stopped to help us. He drove us to town, refusing any money, simply saying, “Happy to help.”

Years later, my wife called me in tears, urging me to check the news. I was stunned to see that same man’s face—he wasn’t a college student but a 35-year-old criminal wanted in several states. He had robbed over 30 people, targeting late-night drivers in isolated areas.

His tactics were chillingly deceptive, either posing as a lost hiker to hitch a ride or offering help to stranded drivers, only to rob them and leave them abandoned.

Why he spared us remains a mystery. Perhaps it was because we were two people, or my height and build deterred him. Whatever the reason, we were incredibly fortunate to escape unharmed.

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