They Gathered To Immortalize A Beautiful Moment

A group of women recently got together to shoot a particularly memorable picture of their family, which included all six generations.

According to Gracie Howell, 58, her 98-year-old grandmother has carried “hundreds of infants” over the years. A recent photo shows MaeDell (Taylor) Hawkins holding her great-great-great-granddaughter Zhavia, who was born in December, in her arms.

Because there are just girls present, we thought this was unique, explains Gracie.

The picture depicts Gracie standing alongside her mother Francis, her daughter Jacqueline, and her granddaughter Jaisline, who is also the mother of the newborn, in addition to MaeDell and Zhavia.

In July, Gracie’s grandma will turn 99. According to Gracie, she is still “sharp as a tack” and isn’t hesitant to “teach you how to take care” of a child.

When “Zhavia grew a bit fussy” during the visit, MaeDell, who is currently a resident of a nursing facility and remains in bed, “swooped her right out of Mama’s arms.”

She continues, “We have a photo of her literally tickling her small feet. Beautiful moments.

Although Gracie acknowledges that her family’s story is “wonderful,” she claims she never imagined that their photo would make such a commotion. But, she claims to have been “overwhelmed” by the favorable response after privately sending the photo to a nearby meteorologist and discussing a little bit about her grandmother’s life.

Also, it has given her grandmother a “wonderful” opportunity to receive “a little notoriety,” she continues.

Even though Gracie claims her grandmother’s life wasn’t always simple, she “never heard her whine,” according to Gracie.

MaeDell married her first husband when she was 16 and he was 50. He worked for the railroads and was out most of the week. They welcomed 13 children together, and she was a stepmother to his 10 kids.

“She lacked running water, a dishwasher, a washing and dryer, and other modern luxuries. She didn’t have running water when I was an adolescent, for instance “” Gracie says. She claims that her mother, however, did not remember ever going without a decent breakfast or supper or lacking in clean clothing.

Gracie remarks, “I know she had it hard, but she didn’t complain.” She simply carried on with her day.

And the family kept expanding over time. The following birth, according to Gracie, will be 622. That is a large family, she claims.

MaeDell has “outlived her husbands” and all but one of her stepchildren along the way.

She has lived a full life, Gracie continues. “I merely adore her.”

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