Prince Philip’s Unique Nickname for Meghan Markle

Prince Philip, the late husband of Queen Elizabeth II, had a special nickname for Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex. He referred to her as the Duchess of Windsor, drawing parallels between Meghan and Wallis Simpson, the American divorcée who married King Edward VIII.

Wallis Simpson was a controversial figure in royal history. King Edward VIII abdicated the throne to marry her, as at that time, royals were not allowed to marry divorced individuals. It is interesting to note that this rule changed only in 2002, three years before Prince Charles married Camilla.

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor faced restrictions and spent years in exile after their marriage. They garnered attention for their visit to Nazi Germany, where they were photographed giving a Nazi salute upon meeting Adolf Hitler.

Ingrid Seward, a royal biographer, revealed in an interview with GB News that Prince Philip saw similarities between Meghan and Harry, and Edward and Mrs. Simpson. Known for his astute judgment of character, Prince Philip reportedly referred to Meghan as the Duchess of Windsor or DOW behind her back.

Seward also described Prince Philip as “wary” of Meghan in her book. It is interesting to note that Queen Elizabeth II, on the other hand, held “high hopes” for Meghan, showcasing different perspectives within the royal family regarding Meghan’s role.

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